French is a beautiful language that is guaranteed to impress the listener. By learning French, you will have the ability to communicate with over 220 million extra people. This article will give you a quick overview of the French language and how to learn french.

  • Right Plunging In (Immersion)

The method of immersion plunges you into the French language and history. You fly to and spend an extended period of time in a French-speaking region. In your everyday life, this would cause you to use French – wherever you go!

For those who don’t want formal analysis and have plenty of time and resources to spare, it is a perfect choice.

The Pros: The immersion technique encourages you to interact with native speakers and teaches you useful knowledge of French culture. Not just that, but within a very short amount of time, it does all of this.

The Cons: This strategy is not for everyone. When it comes to coping with cultural shock, it’s pricey, time-consuming, and not to mention overwhelming.

  • French literacy (Translation Approach)

It is going to force you to translate between your native language and French. Here, feel free to use a dictionary.

The Pros: Since you have a simple understanding of French, it’s an excellent way to expand your vocabulary. The translation technique is cost-effective and will produce results for those who can devote time and resources.

The Cons: A big downside is that the approach to translation does not actually teach you to say, write or comprehend spoken French.

  • French Lyrics (Grammar-based Approach)

The grammatical method is found mainly in French-learning textbooks. They concentrate on teaching French grammar rules. Most of your skills in reading and writing are learned.

The Pros: This is a perfect and cost-effective approach to students who want to thoroughly understand the structure of the French language.

The Cons: You will not be able to communicate or understand English and you need to remember several grammar codes. You will be able to hear French. It can be very stressful and a little dull sometimes.

  • French Lessons (Communicative Approach)

This is the school-based strategy we all remember. It includes a teacher who gives a small group of student’s classes. Lessons are commonly categorised into tasks for reading, writing, listening and communicating.

The Pros: Language courses are going to give you a strong general education. You will have fundamental talks in French a few weeks into the course if the teacher prepares and teaches the class well. Another advantage is that in a community of students you have lots of learning partners!

The Cons: A major downside to French courses is that you cannot get customised instruction specific to you. Your learning relies on the student community and their speed of development. Courses are also pricey at colleges or language schools!

  • Online French Learning (Vocabulary-based Approach)

Have you worried about using an app or programme for French learning? We bet you did! It’s one of the most common ways right now to learn French.

The vocabulary-based methodology is used for the majority of online learning programmes. By associating words with representations of the items they represent, you learn French. Say farewell to grammar rules lectures. Along the way, you can pick up the form of a language.

The Pros: Using this approach, you can really easily expand your vocabulary when you repeat words over and over. A significant plus is that you can train at any time and in any location that suits you.

The drawbacks: First, sometimes the language you acquire is not the most realistic. Second, as you talk, you risk sounding a little like Tarzan because you’re not learning any grammar codes. A successful curriculum based on vocabulary can be hard to find and costly.