Are you trying to learn French? Every person has tried to learn French words at least once in their lifetime. Especially after watching some old French movie or visiting Paris. But it is all in the basics. To learn any language, one should start learning the basic words first and then move to more complicated terms.
Why learn French?
Many people fancy French as a beautiful language; some claim it is the language of love. Even if it is either of those, knowing more language can always be a flex. Knowing French adds extra points. Also, most people do not have time to watch elaborate French films to pick up the language on the way, or French people surrounding them to always converse. The most one needs them is to make small talk or understand the basics. This helps to express oneself better in certain situations. Also, if you live or work in France, it is always a good idea to learn French. It shows respect and love towards one’s language. Also, learning french not only means knowing the grammar right, but it also means broadening one’s vocabulary and understanding the culture from a completely different perspective.
Here are all the basic things one can say to describe their daily routine. Let’s get started!
Daily Routine French Vocabulary
- Woke up Se reveille
- Checking social media- verifier les reseaux sociaux
- Brush teeth – se brosser les dents
- Chat- bavarder
- Change- se changer
- Answer messages- respondre aux messages
- Dressing up – s’habiller
- Discuss- discuter
- Getting coffee- prendre du cafe
- Black coffee- Cafe noir
- Do homework- faire les devoirs
- I am going to work- Je vais au travail.
- By car- en voiture
- Sunny day- journee ensoleillee
- Rainy day- Jour de pluie
- Cloudy day- temps nuageux
- Cold- froide/ froid
- Lovely dress- belle robe
- Good morning- Bonjour
- Have a nice day- bonne journee
- Looking good- bien paraitre
- Eat/have breakfast- prendre le petit dejeunder
- Eating breakfast- manger le petit-dejeuner
- Breakfast- dejeuner
- Eat lunch- dejeuner
- Working hard- travailler dur
- Working too much- trop travailler
- Fall asleep- s’endormir
- to leave the house – partir de la maison
- to take (for transportation in this context) – prendre
- the metro- le métro
- the bus- le bus
- the car- la voiture
- the train- le train
- to drive- conduire
- to go- aller
- To the office- au bureau
- to school- à l’école
- to the library- à la bibliothèque
- to the gym- à la salle de sport
- to the café- to the café
- to a restaurant- au restaurant
- to a friend’s house- chez des amis
- to the doctor- chez le médecin
- to the dentist- chez le dentiste
- to work- travailler
- to study- étudier
- to go grocery shopping, run errands- faire les courses
- to go to the market- aller au marché
Wrapping Up!
That will cover most of the basic knowledge needed for communicating with basic French. Keep practicing and keep conversing (even by yourself in the mirror”) to get better every day, and maybe one day you will also be conversing in fluent French with whole sentences.